The Atelier 34zero is pleased to announce its new retrospective exhibition dedicated to Polish painter Marek Kus! Come celebrate the opening of the exhibition with us on Saturday, March 26 at 12:00 pm. The exhibition will then run from Sunday March 27 to Monday June 13, 2022. Don't hesitate to come and discover the universe of this very special artist with us.



Originally from the Katowice region, he is currently the director of the BWA gallery in Katowice. Several times exhibited at Atelier 34zéro Muzeum in the past, Marek Kus' works were of particular interest to our institution, especially because of the notion of freedom that emerges from them. In his paintings, the artist likes to paint and reproduce forms composed of small anthropomorphic figures, questioning the notions of unity, community, but above all freedom.

The exhibition can be seen every day from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm at the Atelier 34zéro Muzeum.


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